Two questions to ask before hiring a bus for your bucks party


Many people choose to rent buses for their bucks parties. If you have decided to this, here are two important questions you should ask the bucks party bus hire company before agreeing to use their transportation:

What facilities do your buses have?

The quality of the facilities on your chosen bus could have a significant impact on how enjoyable your bucks party celebrations turn out to be.

A bus with no special features could make your time on the road quite dull. Sitting in a bus that has little in the way of entertainment, refreshments or party decor could have a negative effect on your group's general mood, as it is likely to create rather subdued and sombre atmosphere.

As such, if you want your night to be memorable for the right reasons, it's extremely important to inquire about this when speaking to a bus hire company.

If you and your friends will be on the bus for a significant amount of time, it's worth selecting a vehicle which comes with plenty of entertainment facilities. Things like a karaoke machine, disco lights and a high-end sound system, for example, could make the journey from one bar to another a lot more enjoyable, as you can spend your time singing and dancing, rather than sitting around.

Additionally, you should request a bus that will make your road journeys as comfortable as possible. If your celebrations will be taking place in an area with a hot climate, for instance, make sure to select a bus with air conditioning, so that you and the other passengers don't become uncomfortably warm.

You might also want to ask the hire company for a bus which comes with a stocked mini-fridge, so that you can enjoy a cold beer or glass of champagne, along with some tasty snacks, during your time in the vehicle.

How much do you charge?

It is absolutely essential to ensure that you know exactly how much you will be charged for hiring the bus, as your friends will need this information in order to pay their share of the fees.

When discussing the costs with the bus hire company, make sure to ask them if any additional fees could potentially be added onto the final bill. This is important, as being charged more than you expected to be could put a dampener on your special night.

It's worth noting that some companies may charge extra for things like stocking up the mini-fridge with refreshments. You may also incur additional fees if you and your friends accidentally damage the bus throughout the course of the night.


17 September 2017

Transportation Tips for Pet Owners: Getting Around With Dogs

Hi, my name is Lisa, and I have travelled by sea, rail and road. That in itself isn't unusual, but my travelling companion is – my dog. I have learned through my experiences everything you need to know about transporting a dog (or another animal). Want to learn how to calm your dog on the road? Want to learn how to convince a ticket agent to sell your pup a pass? Want to learn other tricks regarding transporting dogs and pets? Then, you have come to the right place. I love to write, but I love to help people and animals even more so I hope you find these posts useful.