Articulated Cranes Versus Telescopic Cranes: Which One Is Best For Your Hire?


If you need to hire a crane, one of the important things to note is the different types available. Broadly, cranes can be divided into two types: telescopic cranes and articulated cranes. At a glance, these two crane types can be differentiated by their structure. Telescopic cranes feature one large arm that can be retracted when not in use, while articulated cranes have a jointed arm that folds when not in use. Design aside, what you really need to know is which of these two cranes is best suited for your needs.  Read on for a quick comparison.

Weight capacity

First, you need to find out which type of crane can handle your cargo's weight. Telescopic cranes are larger and can handle much heavier loads. Articulated cranes, on the other hand, are smaller and cannot handle enormous loads. Based on weight alone, therefore, you can start to narrow down which crane type is better for your needs. Smaller loads are best handed by articulated cranes, especially due to costs, while heavy loads are best handled by telescopic cranes.

Vertical load lift

Next, you have to evaluate how far high you want your load(s) lifted or lowered. When fully extended, the boom of a telescopic crane has higher reach compared to that of an articulated crane. Articulated cranes have much shorter reach. In addition to that, articulated cranes are not designed to stretch vertically. Telescopic cranes are therefore ideal for high vertical applications such as construction and rescue while articulated cranes are better for short lifts such as loading and offloading.

Horizontal load displacement

The other factor to consider when choosing your crane type is how far you need your cargo moved. Thanks to their jointed arm, articulated cranes are ideal for moving items over shorter distances. They are also ideal when working in tight spaces or when moving numerous smaller loads. Telescopic cranes, however, are only used for long distance horizontal displacements--moving loads from one place to a far-off point. They can only function in short distances when lifting or lowering loads.  

To make sure you consider all these factors with the due diligence your project deserves, seek a professional assessment from your crane hire company. A technician can help you evaluate safety, weight, displacement and ease of navigation to find the ideal crane for your needs. This way, you won't hire a costly telescopic crane for a simple job that only needs an articulated crane. In the same way, careful evaluation will ensure you don't hire a simple articulated crane for a large job that needs a telescopic crane. For more information, contact a business such as Warringah Crane & Transport.


4 June 2015

Transportation Tips for Pet Owners: Getting Around With Dogs

Hi, my name is Lisa, and I have travelled by sea, rail and road. That in itself isn't unusual, but my travelling companion is – my dog. I have learned through my experiences everything you need to know about transporting a dog (or another animal). Want to learn how to calm your dog on the road? Want to learn how to convince a ticket agent to sell your pup a pass? Want to learn other tricks regarding transporting dogs and pets? Then, you have come to the right place. I love to write, but I love to help people and animals even more so I hope you find these posts useful.